
Hosokawa Gracia
Hosokawa Gracia The following is the script we used for the first episode of our Misohitomoji Podcast. The subject of the episode was the life and times of Hosokawa Gracia,...
Hosokawa Gracia
Hosokawa Gracia The following is the script we used for the first episode of our Misohitomoji Podcast. The subject of the episode was the life and times of Hosokawa Gracia,...

Waka - Thinking about division
According to this tanka poem, written by an anonymous author, there are people in the world who carry the carriage because there are people who ride in it. There are...
Waka - Thinking about division
According to this tanka poem, written by an anonymous author, there are people in the world who carry the carriage because there are people who ride in it. There are...

This site's purpose (what are 'waka'?)
We would like to manage this site with the aim of making it possible to incorporate waka poetry, which reflects the hearts and minds of people from the past, into...
This site's purpose (what are 'waka'?)
We would like to manage this site with the aim of making it possible to incorporate waka poetry, which reflects the hearts and minds of people from the past, into...

Waka - Staying true to yourself during change
Yamaoka Tesshū worked selflessly to protect Japan. In the late Edo period (1603-1868), the question over the opening of the country to the outside world deepened the conflict between the shogunate...
Waka - Staying true to yourself during change
Yamaoka Tesshū worked selflessly to protect Japan. In the late Edo period (1603-1868), the question over the opening of the country to the outside world deepened the conflict between the shogunate...

Waka - Does hard work pay off?
Sontoku Ninomiya's famous tanka poem conveys the importance of steady effort, but also a message about preparedness. Do you work steadily without worry, or do you work carefully and diligently?
Waka - Does hard work pay off?
Sontoku Ninomiya's famous tanka poem conveys the importance of steady effort, but also a message about preparedness. Do you work steadily without worry, or do you work carefully and diligently?

Waka - Flying away like a bird
How did our people living 1,300 years ago in the Nara period escape from being treated as profit-producing tools?
Waka - Flying away like a bird
How did our people living 1,300 years ago in the Nara period escape from being treated as profit-producing tools?